The Disease of False Loyalties

 Child, come and allow me to take you into the depths of the River of the I Am where we commune in the ways of mother and child. I come to show you the ways of the River of the I Am for I am our Lady of the River of the I Am.

You are of the earth and you are of the mystical.  False pride is of the earth while humble pride in being of God is of the mystical.  Your dream showed you the disease that is of the false pride hidden within the church of your childhood.

Your dream showed you the truth of your early years where you were taken into a church and sick priests were saying the mass. Others within the church were praying with no awareness of the disease within. 

Within the dream you could no longer deny the truth that the sick priests of your childhood were wounding you and my children. Janine, the dream came to show you that you must speak the truth for your earthly pride has endangered you. Rather than speak the truth you were hiding the truth behind a false loyalty to a false god.

As you fell to the ground in your dream you accepted the truth before God that your diseases of false loyalties and pride came from the priests of a false church and a false god.

For you, Janine, to be healed you needed to fall to the ground before the One True God and proclaim before Him that the disease that afflicts you even unto today came from the behaviors of the diseased priests. 

Remember this dream, my child, for it is a dream from the One True God who has laid to rest for you the need to be loyal to anyone of the earth including the diseased priests of the diseased church.  Take up the humble pride of the mystical this day for God has released you from a false loyalty to the church of your childhood. To give to God the awareness that your disease of today was given you by the diseased of your childhood is to give to God all that He may heal all.