I Give You the Path to End the Noise

 Child, come and be mine.  Come and take in my love and nurture that sustains.  Come and as we move into the depths of the River of the I Am take in the love that expands you in this new day. Letting go into my arms and my heart allows the gentle waters of the River to take you with no effort for I hold you and take away the noise that is heavy and works to take away what we have.

The lesson for this day is to know that the noise works to make heavy your walk. When you are mine the noise works harder to distract what we have. You attend to your soul in each new day. My child, I move you into the path to end the noise. 

To counter the noise, you must slow all down in your mid day as well as in the end of your day.  The noise flees from me, my child. You must come to me all the more when the noise bears its heavy weight on you.  In silence I shall renew you.  In the silence of your heart the noise cannot abide. In the silence of your heart you hear me.

Janine, I give you the path to end the noise. When your heart becomes heavy and filled with the noise of your childhood, come to this Tabernacle and I shall take you, drown you in love and renew you.

I cannot end the noise within the outside world, my child, but know this, the noise flees this Tabernacle that flows forth from the River of the I  Am. Come and allow me to make light your walk no matter the part of your day. I ask that you come to me in your mid day and end day for the noise is heavy within the world.