Come and Build Solid Ground

 Child, come and be awakened to this Tabernacle. Come and be awakened to my heart that holds you, attends to you and nurtures you. Come and take in all that is of this holy place. Come and take in all that is before you and through you.

The River of the I Am flows with you, without you and through you for the River is of the mystical ways of God. The River has no boundaries for it flows in the way of the Holy Spirit that is within, without, and through all things. 

What is good is made holy by the Holy Spirit for all which the Holy Spirit opens gains the grace of the mystical. What you gain cannot be taken away for the door to the old becomes closed when the door to the Holy Spirit is opened. 

You may become dormant at times where you may not feel the Holy Spirit but that does not mean the Spirit is not there. You may even close the door out of anger but the Holy Spirit is still with you for what has been built shall never be destroyed.

Your heart has been opened and you and I have built much with the Holy Spirit of my Son. What has been built shall be forever for this is the way of the River of the I Am where solid ground is being built that its fruits may be forever. Come and build solid ground beneath your feet. Let those with ears to hear, hear.