The Noise: The Tempter

Child, take the breath that exits the noise and take in the breath of this Tabernacle. Come and be of my heart that carries us into the depths of the River of the I Am.

Today is a new day and you await my heart and my words that we may commune. I am your mother and I am Our Lady of the River of the I Am as decreed by God. By God's hand I am your mother and mother to the Son of Man and mother to all. 

You are humble of heart by my heart that is by God's hand. You are of the ways of Bernadette for you seek only to do God's will through me. You have gained much grace and you have gained much healing of your body and soul.

Your body and soul are now in the opened position where you taste all that is both within and without. To be freed from the fear of being exposed is to be free from the noise that works to close what God intends to be opened. To be opened is to come to know God as God truly is. 

When you no longer fear what others may see or say of you, you are freed from the ravages of the noise. When you can stand on the mountaintop with Jesus and announce to the noise, "be gone," you are freed from the noise that is the tempter.  Just as Jesus commanded the noise of the tempter to take leave of Him, so too, you are commanding the noise to take leave of you. Ponder this lesson, my child, for you walk with Jesus who teaches you along the way.