Our Yes Makes It So

 Janine, my child, I welcome you to this Tabernacle where we call our home for it is home now and always. This tabernacle is for you and me always. God has designed us that we may be mother and child forever. By my yes I am mother to all for I gave birth to the Son of Man.

Take note of how your hands dance as you write my words. Take note of how deeply we move into the River of the I Am where all noise and all boundaries are no more.

Yes, it is our time, Janine. Yes, it is our prayers of mother and child. Yes, it is prayer time for we are in the deep presence of God where His will is being accomplished through us on Earth as it is in Heaven.

God's love is within and through and all around us in both the physical and mystical world. I say to you that the mystical shall be all the more and more each day as the physical becomes the less and less each day.

Come, and as we commune, know that we are within the realm of God's will for us. Our yes makes it so.