How Precious You Are

 Child of mine, I call you mine. Do not listen to any or all contradictions for I am your mother by God's design. It is the noise that lurks within your weakest time and space that causes you angst for it is the noise that asks you to fret over the ways of our witnessing.

You are not asked to do anything other than to witness with me. When you let go and allow the Holy Spirit to work through us God's will is being accomplished for it is by the Holy Spirit that hearts open to God. 

Do not make the mistake of comparing what we have with what others may have with me or with Jesus. You are who you are by God's design and to compare is to take away that preciousness.  I ask you to write my words that you may come to know how precious you are as well as to gather others to me that they may come to me within their own design. 

This is a new day and it is a day where we walk together while within your body. Take in the beauty of this day. Witness to all that is placed before us this day.

The lesson of this day is to slow all down that you may see and taste all and witness to all before us. This day is of you and me. This day is of our love for each other and love for all that is of God. This day is to see how precious you are to me and to Jesus. 

This new day becomes much prayer when we walk in the ways of the sacred witness for to be the sacred witness is to witness to all with no judgements or boundaries to separate any and all children of God.