The Scent of the Roses Shall Linger Beyond this Life
Child, breathe in the air of this Tabernacle. Breathe out the noise. Come and take the breath that carries us into the depths of the River of the I Am. Come and know your mother. Come and know the mother of God.
I and my Son walked the Earth. To be aware of such grace brings great humbleness. To be of such grace is to be humble in the ways of my motherhood.
On this day of God's grace we commune in the ways of mother and child. On this new day we walk to be of God's will for us. To be of opened to your deepest parts is to be of your design for there is no need to hide any part.
Janine, my child, take leave of all of the outside world and be with me. Take leave of yourself that you may know how much you are loved.
This day is of you and me. This day is of our love for each other. Take view of the roses beneath my feet today for they carry the awareness and grace of what we have. Each rose shows you how much you are loved.
The rose is of God who grants us this communion. Be sure to take in the view and the scent of the roses today for the view and scent shall linger long after the season of your earthly life.