When the Noise is Gone God is Seen

 Child, come and know me. Come and taste my nurture. Come and let us commune in the ways of mother and child. Your attendance to me at this Tabernacle pleases me for it allows me to take you into the depths of your own soul where the River of the I Am flows.

I come to show you that one life does not end and another one begin. Rather, my child, one life is transformed into another. What is gained in this life in the ways of love and only love is not lost but taken with you.What you have gained in the ways of Jesus shall follow you.

What is lost is the noise.The noise is transformed into the union with God and all of the yes. What is gained is the walk with Jesus in a way unknown to you as of yet.

Your dreams are foretelling of the great love of the Heavens that abide within you already and shall be expanded in the next life.

Your joy today may seem as though it cannot grow. But, my child, I say to you, that as you move into the next life, you shall take all you have gained with you. God does not take away, but rather, God adds. When the noise is gone all that is left is the truth. When the noise is gone God is seen.