By the Sacred Witness the Holy Spirit Does Its Work

Janine, my child, how joyful is your heart this day for in your yesterday you witnessed to the opening of another’s heart that found the root of its design.  How joyful you were when the other exposed his heart as his story unraveled. To witness to the opening of another’s heart and to witness the joy that fills the empty space of the emptying of one’s story is the miracle of the explosion that opens the soul to God.

There was no need to speak of God for God was felt by both of you. There was no need to speak for both felt the joy of the connection to God that filled the room.

Janine, my child, it was the Holy Spirit of God that filled the room. You witnessed to the confusion of the old for the new had not yet replaced the old. You witnessed the silence as the confusion broke open and exploded exposing the heart and soul.  As the awareness of the simplicity of God’s love replaced the confusion, peace and joy were felt by the both of you for this is the way of the River of the I Am.

The River of the I Am flows with the simplicity of God’s love through the Holy Spirit that works and walks with us to replace the old  misguidedness with confusion for with confusion the old holds its place no more.  When the confusion breaks open the truth of God's love rises up and explodes into the awareness of being loved beyond all of the earthly.

Come and let us feed the heart and not the noise, for in feeding the heart the noise loses its power resulting in confusion. Confusion is the step before awareness.  Awareness is the gift of experiencing the Holy Spirit of God within your own soul. By the sacred witness the soul of another opens. By the sacred witness the Holy Spirit does its work.