Love Yourself That You May Love Others
Child of mine, come and let go. Place yourself before this Tabernacle on this new day and know how much you are loved. Your joy and love is tasted in places that were once hidden to any love or joy for your wounds had closed them off.
Today is another day that you are graced to be in your body. Today is another day to be graced. Today is another day to be filled with the ways of my heart.
Today is another day to be loved and to be loving. Today is another day to be of the sacred witness where we invite others to open their hearts to God.
Love this day, Janine. Love yourself that you may love others. Love others that they may learn to love themselves. Love with the love that is deep within you where your seed of God abides.
Love as Jesus loves. Love with no matter the ways of the noise. Love as you are meant to love. When your heart is opened and in love with Jesus you learn to love all of God's creations.