We Walk to Open the Doors to the Kingdom Within

 Child, come and know I am here for you for I Am your mother who awaits your call to me. Come. Be of my heart and be of the mystical body of the Living Waters of the River of the I Am. 

To be of the mystical body of God is your right given you by your birth. To gain access to the Living Waters you need only open the door with a yes of acceptance to God. 

Janine,  my child, we walk to open doors, for the many know not the ways of the yes that opens the door to the Living Waters of the River of the I Am. The many know not of my motherly ways nor do they know the ways of my Son who loves without judgment or reservation.

We walk to witness and to make known the Kingdom that lies within. When you open your story to the sacred witness the heart opens and the yes rises up from the soul for what was lost has been found. Creator and his creation are reunited where the yes may be made with the knowing.

Ponder my words and may those with ears to hear, hear.