You Are So Much More than of the Earth

 Child, breathe the breath of life that is of this Tabernacle and let go of the breath of the outside world.  This time is for you and me that we may commune for we are mother and child.  Come and breathe in the Living Waters of the River of the I Am.

What is it that is of our communion? In communion I give you my  heart and I nurture you for I am your mother who has come into the world to nurture you and all of my children. I hold you as your mother and I hold my eyes and ears and hands to you that I may take the all of you into me.

You are in daily need of your mother that you may be held, loved, nurtured and heard. You are in daily need of your mother that you may be cleansed and renewed in hope and trust.

Janine, the world we walk  in is of great noise that casts itself upon the earth and makes heavy your walk.  The noise is the noise and for that reason you need your mother to renew you each new day.

My child, take in my love that holds you with no matter the noise and with no matter your learning that makes you of the earth.  You are so much more than of the earth.  You are of God. You are of the mystical that holds God's seed within you.

Come and take in this love that renews, makes clean and makes fresh our relationship.  A child takes in and mother gives.