This Tabernacle Is Your Sanctuary

 Child, come and be of this Tabernacle. Come and commune with me and with my Son. Come and know how much you are loved on this new day. 

I shall tell you the truth of your dream of last night, my child, that you may know you are of God. Within the dream your closest friend of childhood was in an outdoor church (of the outside and not within) with you as was your beloved. They heard what you could not hear for you had not the same ears to hear. It was as though you were the deaf one while they heard all of the spoken words. Yet it was they that left the church early even espousing hearing what were of the words of the priest.

Janine, your closest friend left the church before you as did your beloved. What appeared to be your inability to hear was their inability to hear what you hear. The clothing you wore was not of the clothing of others for you were not of the understanding of the ways of the rules of their church.

My child, to be mine you must have the ears to hear me and not to hear the words of a church that is no longer yours. The church you were given was one of misguidedness and evil for they did evil things. 

Come and be of gratitude that you are mine and the evil things of the old church of your childhood are gone. No longer are the words of the evil church yours for you have been cleansed.  You have been  renewed in the love and only love of God where your seed and your God are reunited in a language that is now far from the noise of your old church. God has cleansed what was once the great noise of evil that followed you and clanged at you into adulthood. 

Janine, this Tabernacle is your Sanctuary for you come to hear the words of Jesus.  This Tabernacle is of God for it is by God that we are here in the ways of the Light of  my womb. This Holy Communion between me and you and my Son has become your church for it is of God's will and grace that you have this Tabernacle where you hear with the new ears of your heart.