To Know Me is to Taste What I Taste

 Child, come and rest within the depths of the River of the I Am. I take you into my heart where you absorb my love and attention and nurture. I feed you, not only with nurture, but with the all of me. Come and let go and flow with me where I breathe with you and for you.  Take in the lack of boundaries for there are no bindings between us. 

Your yesterday gave witness to me even without using my name for you mothered as I mother. You gave witness to the pain of another and held that pain for me. You gave witness to my mother's heart for you tasted the pain.  No longer does the pain of another overtake you with a need to "fix". Rather, you allowed the pain to flow through you and experienced the pain along with me and my child.  This, Janine, is the way of my mothers' heart.

The many of my children fear the ways of my mother's heart for they fear that taking in someone else's pain will add to theirs. This is farthest from the truth as you tasted in your yesterday. 

To be of my heart at these depths is to taste what I taste, see what I see, and love as I love.  To know me at this depth is to know that all must be turned over to God. To know me at this depth is to walk in another's pain, joy, fear, fret and losses. To know me at this depth is to know I taste all that each child tastes. 

To know me at this depth is to know my Son, Jesus.  It is Jesus that I walk with and carry into the world for it is He who has given me motherhood. Rather than be overwhelmed, you have learned to take in, hold with love and allow the Light to flow through us and into the holding. Rather than be depleted you have gained for you have walked with one of mine by entering the wounds with me.