The Way of Motherhood

 Child, as you enter this Tabernacle take note of the way your hands move to write the ways of my heart that speaks to you from within the depths of the River of the I Am.  Take in what your body tastes.  Take in what your heart hears. Take in the joy of our communion for we are mother and child.

How great is it to hear from the heart of yours when all is opened and love seeps in. How great it is to taste the hearts of yours for you are mother to yours. I, just as you, find great joy to be mother.  On this new day take in both being  my child and being mother to yours for we walk in the ways of a mother's heart that finds great joy in being mother.

It matters never the noise when you walk from the opened heart for the noise asks you to judge motherhood.  Let go of the noise this day and walk from the view of the River of the I Am where motherhood holds and nurtures and never judges.

Janine, my child you are of the child and you are of the mother. As we walk into the world to witness and attest to my children, know that you are of my mother's heart.  Leave your heart opened and I shall show you the way of my heart. I am mother to all and what you have with yours I shall show you how to be with mine.

No one can take away your mother's heart.  You can only expand your heart to take in all the more and more of motherhood for all of mine shall become all of yours. You have given me your heart and we shall walk in the ways of motherhood as one for this is of our design. You shall learn to love mine as you love yours.