The River Flows to Be in Relationship with You

 Child, come and be of my heart that is for you.  You are my child. I love you with a love that is of my mother's heart.  You cannot be abandoned for my heart holds you in all things.  You cannot be judged for my heart is of God that judges never.

I and my Son only wish to have you know of the River of the I Am where love flows with the heart of God. The River of the I Am flows that you may come to know that love is all powerful.  The River  of the I Am flows to be in relationship with you and all of the yes.

The River flows that all may come to know the Kingdom lies within each soul.  No need to follow the ways of the noise.  Follow your own soul deep within you and you shall find God for your own soul knows its God. Follow the journey within and you shall have all in abundance.

The River of the I Am flows in abundance.  Rather than seek the limiting ways of the noise that makes empty promises of wealth, seek to drown within the depths of the River of the I Am where all is gained for the River gains much abundance and wealth in the ways of Eternity.

Come and walk with me and with my Son.  Come and be opened of heart and soul and you shall take in the abundance of God's wisdom and awareness. God's goodness lives within the River.