The Noise is Loudest Upon Awakening

 Child, arise and take yourself into the breath that carries you here to this Tabernacle.  Take note of the joy of the breath that comes to me. Take in the great love that awaits you here.

Janine, my child, it is of grace that we commune and it is of grace that we shall walk into the world armed in love and only love.  The lesson this day is to make known the ways of your disturbed sleep. You fret upon awakening. The noise is the loudest when you move from sleep to awake. 

The noise raises itself up when you first awaken for it is at this time when you are the most at risk for angst and worry.  I give you view of the fret within you upon awakening this new day.  You awoke to fret over the day ahead.  You awoke with worry over the days ahead. You awoke with your body tensed as in fear and angst rather than peaceful and joyful.

And yet, my child, all that fear and fret and worry leaves you when you come to me at this Tabernacle where all is renewed in love and only love and where you are held, nurtured and attended to.

The lesson today is to be aware that the noise attempts to gain access to you when you first awaken. Be not afraid for the noise cannot harm you.  The noise places itself within you as you awake for your dreams work to end the noise and the noise fights back as you awake.

Ponder this lesson, my child, and you shall come to see that the noise is merely as the child who cannot get his/her wishes fulfilled.  You shall also come to see that the noise cannot harm you within the inch and moment.  The noise uses the imagery of the future to cause you fret and worry.  You shall come to see that the River of the I Am takes you and places you in the freedom from fret when you stay in the inch and moment.  

When you become aware of the noise when you awaken, let go of attempts to manage the future and remain in the moment and allow the Light to end the darkness of the noise. Know that the noise is loudest upon your wakening.