God Makes No Child Defective

 My child, fear not for I am here and I await your call to me.  I come to you for I am your mother who loves you with a love that shall never die. I am your mother who awaits you here at this Tabernacle that we may commune in the ways of the River of the I Am.

I give you view of your design where you are graced with hearing me and writing my words of love and only love. My mother's heart knows you in all  parts and spaces for by God's grace I am called your mother and mother to all.

Janine, I give you view of what you have called a defect. What you call a defect is a gift from God for it allows you to enter into this Tabernacle and into the realm of the mystical body of God while in your human form.

You have called this gift to leave yourself and enter into the real of the mystical a defect.  The outside world may call it a defect to enter the mystical but I say this to you in  a loud and clear voice that to enter this Tabernacle that is of the mystical is a great gift of grace. 

You have no defect within you, my child, for God has made no child defective. You have given this grace a name of defective because of your deep wounds. Rather than die by your wounds, you lived. 

Rather than bear the ways of insanity you were graced with the ability to leave yourself and enter into the mystical ways of the River of the I Am.  You knew not that you were being prepared for this day, my child, but it is time to see and taste the miracles and preparedness that have gotten you here to this Tabernacle. Be of gratitude for what you call a defect. Without it you could not hear or taste me. Without it you could not hear the soft voice of the Holy Spirit of my Son.

