The Ungodly Serpent of the Earth

 Child, by this Tabernacle you are taken into the depths of the River of the I Am where we commune for we are mother and child in the presence of the Light of my womb.  By my Son the River flows into Eternity. By my Son we are mother and child.

Janine, within the noise of your yesterday you gave witness to the noise. Rather than run from it you witnessed to it and to the ways it uses conditions of fear to draw you from the peace that is deep within you. The noise can only tempt you to move from the view of the River where the peace as promised by my Son abides.

As you witnessed to the noise it no longer held you.  To see it from afar in the ways of the witness causes it to lose its power. To witness in the awareness that the noise, for you, carries fear and trepidation that you will be held in contempt by God for being evil.  This is all noise, my child, for God holds no one in contempt.

Janine, my child, I cannot promise you freedom from this ungodly noise for it roams the earth using the wounds of  my children to attempt to gain control over them. This is the serpent of the earth. Know that you have power over it because you are of God.

Know that facing the noise in awareness and witnessing, rather than running from it, you cause the noise to lose its power over you. Jesus told the serpent to take leave of Him and you must do the same.  To know and see the serpent is to walk in awareness that it lives and seeks to take you from your God.

The many of my children walk in unawareness of the noise that is of the serpent. Let us walk into the world on this new day armed with God's power of love that brings peace and calmness and gentleness into the world.