Hide Not Yourself From your Design

 Janine, my child, how pleased I am that you attend to this Tabernacle. Come and let go of all that you may be able to take in the all of me. Do not close any parts for I come to fill all parts that all may be opened to God.

Hide not yourself from God.  Hide not yourself from others.  Hide not yourself from your design which is to be naked in all parts that all parts may have the sunshine of God's love flow through them.

All parts of you have become naked before God.  But, my child, there are still those parts that fear for destructive noise abounds everywhere within the outside world.  Do not hide yourself to avoid fear.  To do so is to hide those parts that seek the love of God.  Do not close any parts.  Rather, be opened and naked of your design and trust that our Father and Savior will protect you from all harm.

This simple lesson this day is to stay opened and naked with fortitude and trust that God will care for you.  Stay opened and naked of design and trust that I, your mother, will protect you as well. Trust that I, your mother, and God, your Father, will be with you in all things, especially the noise. Trust as the little one called Faith calls out to you to be naked that she may dance in the trust of God who is closest to her for she is the one who holds His seed.