The Child of the Scriptures Holds the Keys to Heaven

 Child, I know you and I know your want to be my hands. Before you came to hear me you were in great need of mothering for you were in the ward of those who could not mother. 

By God's grace, I have slowly and with patience mothered you. Your heart was closed and your body held much in the ways of pain and woundedness.

The wounded body learns to close all off that there may be no further woundedness. The wounded heart has no choice but to follow the body for it is the body that must close all parts to avoid death if it can.

I was there with you even when you knew me not. I fed you and held you even when you knew me not.

The lesson this day is to allow the little one called Faith to remain opened and naked that the body may never again feel the need to close to avoid more woundedness.

I am here and we shall walk together to keep the body open that your heart and soul may remain exposed. Janine, your day could not have been so joyful had you not exposed Faith to the joy of childhood. It is she who dances and plays and loves all of life for she was locked in the dungeon of your body and she is now free. 

Have no fear of her for she is showing you the way to the garden of God's Kingdom. Jesus said, "Come to me as a child."  Faith is that child within you. 

 Do not lock her away. Rather, allow her to be naked and free to dance and know Jesus. As Jesus told us, "I know my sheep and my sheep know me." let those with ears to hear, hear.