Eternity is Gained with the Yes to God
Child, you are loved beyond measure. You are loved with the depth and gentleness and grace of the River of the I Am. I am graced to be Our Lady of the River of the I Am. I am graced to be your mother and mother to all for I am the mother of the Lamb, the One who has guaranteed us all Eternity.
Janine, my child, I am of the yes. My yes was true and real for it was from my heart and soul. I walk with you into the world to end the noise that all of my children may hear me, taste me and come to learn that Jesus is real and walks with us and within us.
The journey into Eternity is a simple one for it is not based on earning. Eternity is merely based on the yes. You cannot earn Eternity but with a yes to God you can walk into Eternity.
God expects not that you must earn perfection to gain access to the Kingdom. Rather, God asks only that you turn inward and open your heart and soul that you may access the path to the Kingdom. The yes is within the heart and soul and they shall be opened here or in the next world where the true yes or no abides.
Walk with me in the knowing that all we need do is to witness to one child at a time where the heart and soul may taste the great love of the Light of my womb. In doing so the heart opens and gains access to the soul.