Come and Know Jesus as He truly Is

Child, how graced we are to be mother and child for God's promises are being fulfilled in this time and space of this holy Tabernacle.  As we commune, know that I fill you with the Living Waters of the River of the I Am. I feed you as mother feeds her child.  I feed you with the mystical food of life that carries you beyond the worldly.

In your awakening of this new day you walked with my Son who held you in His hands. He gave you the meaning of love for He gave you Himself.  As He gave you view of your yesterday He spoke to you of His love that walks with you in all things.  You reviewed your yesterday with Him in a walk that spoke to you of a love that only asks you to walk with Him. The joy of your awakening fills you.

I am your mother, Janine.  I have come that you may let go of fear of men.  I have come to carry you into the River of the I Am where all healing occurs for its Waters are filled with the lifeblood of Jesus. 

I have come that you may be taken into the depths of the River.  At this depth you see Jesus as He truly is.  

In your review of your yesterday with Jesus you did not hear words of punishment.  You did not hear words of anger.  You did not hear words of wrongdoing.  Rather, you heard and saw Jesus of Nazareth who asked only to walk with you and share your day with you.

As we commune, hear the voice of Jesus as He walks with us in this new day.  With each inch and moment and with each child we minister to, keep your hands in the opened position that you may feel and know the hands of Jesus that hold yours. Come and know Jesus as He truly is.