Taste the Joy of Being in Relationship with Jesus

 My child, I welcome you into this Tabernacle. I welcome you into my arms that hold you, feed you and attend to you in the naked[ness of the River of the I Am where we commune.  The nakedness I speak of is the openness and nakedness that exposes your heart and soul where the seed of your God abides. 

What you taste this new day is the joy of being in relationship with my Son. Jesus walks with you in relationship for your seed has been exposed and you hear the soft voice of Jesus deep within you. The soft voice of Jesus hears you and responds to you with love and non judgment and patience and intimacy.

The soft voice of Jesus gives you the view of love and only love that asks only to be in relationship with you. The joy that fills you fills Him for this is the way of relationship.  The heart and soul are ignited with this relationship. 

When you are opened and naked of your heart and soul you meet Jesus where you fear death no longer.  When you are naked of heart and soul you fear punishment no longer. When you are naked of heart and soul you find joy and peace that is your design.