Do Not Complicate what God Makes Simple

 Janine,  my child. I call you by name for I am your mother who loves you and knows you in all parts.  You fear being called a liar and you fear being accused of not being mine.

Tears rise up as those parts that fear being persecuted make themselves known. My little one, there may be those who know not the ways of the mystical body of God and use self righteousness to persecute you.

You must come to know this, my child, it matters not what the world calls you. It matters only what I and my Son call you. I call you mine and Jesus calls you His. Hear His soft voice that calls you into intimacy with Him. 

Come and breathe in the calming and Living Waters of the River of the I Am. Come and breathe in the breath of life that emits from the River of the I Am. Come and know our Father and God shall one day usher in the New Earth where we shall all walk with our bodies and with our God. 

Come and I shall take you even deeper into the depths of the River of the I Am where you take in how much you are loved for this is the way of the River of the I Am. As you flow deeper and deeper your fears are drowned in love.

The River flows in simplicity, Janine. There is no need to complicate what is simple. The noise complicates while the River of the I am makes simple God's love and His plans for His children.  Come and open the door and allow God to fill you with love and only love where you shall come to know Jesus in intimacy where all is understood. Do not complicate what God Has Made Simple.