I Keep No Count of Your Sins

Child, be of the peace of the Light of my womb.  Your awakening on this new day carries you into this Tabernacle where we commune. Take in the communion with my Son.  Take in the beauty of the effortless flow of our communion as we allow the River to take us in the ways of love and only love.

Count not time.  Count not the pieces of goods that you collect.  Count not the trespasses of another for this is of the noise.  The outside world expects that the counting of grievances towards another makes right anger and war. Rather, the allowing of each grievance to drown in the depths of the River's love and only love grows the peace and joy and promises of my Son who is the Light within the River of the I Am.

On this new day of the Sabbath let us walk in the knowing that we are mother and child and we walk from the view of within the River of the I Am where all of the yes walk with us.  No need to count.  Rather, count never and carry peace into the world where counting has no home. I love you, my child.  I keep no count of your sins.  Be as your mother who counts never.