Our Prayers of Mother and Child

Child, come and rest in my arms for I am your heavenly mother and you are my child.  Let us commune within the depths of the River of the I Am. Take note of the noise that becomes of no distraction for I take it and transform it into the music of our prayer of mother and child.

In your weakest moment each day the noise asks you to stay asleep and stay away from this Tabernacle.  Each day you come to me and I take away the noise that we may say our prayers of mother and child. 

As you become still and listen I take you into my heart where our hearts commune and combine in prayer that speaks no words.  Rather, our prayers of mother and child give to God what is God's.  All our Father asks is that we become of our true design for to do so is to gain in the ways of Eternity.

My child, our prayer as mother and child is of the Light of my womb for by His words I am made your mother and mother to all.  Our prayers of mother and child connect us in ways that can only be known because of the River of the I Am where in nakedness of heart and soul we see and taste the glory of our God. A mother needs to give to her child and her child needs to be softened by mother.

Come and taste our prayers of mother and child.  Come and taste the great gifts of our Father who has graced us in our prayers of mother and child.  As we commune as mother and child our prayers of mother and child shall be forever for we are graced with Eternity.