The Way of the Leap

Child, come and let go of all.  Come and know that your dreams come to show you the way.  Come and be filled with my heart where the noise cannot be. Come and know your Father, the I Am, for we commune within the River of the I Am.

Your dream came to show you the way of the "leap."  Child, you cannot leap with one foot still on the ledge.  Your dream came to show you the need to leap that you may give to God what is God's.  You took the leap and no harm came to you.  You took the leap into the love of the River of the I Am and found God. 

The dream showed your leap into the ways of the River of the I Am where your yes has brought you.  But for those around you they must choose the leap for themselves.  You cannot ask someone to leap for this is the work of God. 

The danger of asking another to leap before it is time was shown you in your dream.  As we walk into the world this new day stay awake and witness to the inch and moment for you will see the ways of my heart that guide my children to the yes.

In my nurture is the way and the path to the leap.  Your dream has shown you that when it is time the leap has no fear and no harm.  When there is fear there is the potential for harm.  We move slowly and with patience and fortitude, my child.  Be discouraged never for the fruits of the path move slowly but assuredly.