I Come To Take Away the Noise

Child, let go and allow me to take you into my heart this new day.  Come and be of peace.  Come and be of love.  Come and let us commune within the mystical Living Waters of the River of the I Am.

Come and taste renewal. Your heart and soul and body need your mother that you may be renewed in love, nurture and attention.  Janine, you have great value even when the noise clangs at you that you have no worth.  Let the noise be the noise and give it no heed for when you keep your heart opened and allow me to navigate for you I take away the noise. 

The noise knows you are at your weakest upon awakening.  The noise uses old fears and wounds to keep you in a state of confusion and misguidedness.  Be of gratitude that each day we have this time to commune and awaken you to the River for as your heavenly mother I take away the noise.  

My child, when the noise is placed in the rear and not the fore it loses its power.  I show you the way to be of joy and peace and fortitude.  Let the noise be the noise as it clangs in the rear of you where it cannot cause fear and angst.  Taste the love that is yours from the view of the River of the I Am where noise cannot cause you any harm. Come and be awakened to the Light on this new day for this new day holds much in grace.   Come, my child, for I take away the noise from you.