The Truth and Worth of Motherhood

Child of mine, you are of your God who has handcrafted you in His love and image for you are of His seed.  Come and be filled with the Light of my womb for I am mother to the Lamb who has given us this Tabernacle that we may commune in the ways of mother and child.

Janine, no more do you need to take in the ways of the noise that place motherhood as inconsequential.  Your heart knows me and I know you for we are mother and child.  You know yours and I know mine through the workings of the heart of my Son who began the flow of the River of the I Am.

Come and be awakened to the depths of the great matter of motherhood.  God has given us the way to know Him for to know your child from the view of  the River of the I Am is to truly know your God.  The coverings of the noise of the outside world cannot end or take away what we have. The noise can only mask the truth.  It cannot destroy it.

Come and taste your mother.  Come and allow yours to taste me through you.  Love as I love with no matter the workings of the noise that attempts to disparage the truth and the worth of motherhood.  Come, my child, and allow our love to flow in all corners of our walk this new day.