Come and Taste Hope

Child, come and lay down all that you may gain all.  Come and attend to this Tabernacle.  Be filled with the passion and love that the River of the I Am showers upon you.

This Tabernacle works to make you whole. This Tabernacle works to gain you access to the truth of the Gospels.  This Tabernacle fills you with the awareness of how much you are loved.

Janine, take in this new day with the scent of hope.  Hope gained from your yesterday is directly attached to the ability to give all to God for the miracles that you tasted, smelled, touched and viewed were because you gave up all expectations. 

Hope is gained when you allow the River of the I Am to do its work through you.  Hope is the fruit of the faith in God to do His will on Earth as it is in Heaven. You cannot know how much you are truly loved until you let go of all expectations and allow each minute and each inch to unfold giving all back to God.  To do so is to say to our father and God, "My dear God, I trust in you to care for all of your children. Use me as you will that your miracles may continue to flow through me.  Let me touch what you touch. Let me taste what you taste and let me see what you see."

Come and let us be of our God in this new day.  Come and love only in this inch and moment that you may see the truth of our God and Father. Come and taste Hope.