Come and Uncover Your True Design

Child, just as the mother dog will search out her pups even when they are drowning, so too I search my children out that may survive rather than die.  Come and taste the love, warmth and nurture of your heavenly mother.

The view I gave you is of the ways of motherhood that is of your design. The view is of the frantic mother who will lose her life to save her children.  This view has been given to you that you may know how much you are loved and how much you love for motherhood is a grace from God.

There are some who bury their motherly design because of wounds that have bound them to hide themselves. Janine, I take you out into the world to attest to the workings of the wounded child who is forced to hide rather than allow the pain of the wounds to be exposed and healed.  

When you are closed of heart and soul and body you cannot make naked the truth of your design as graced by our Father, the I Am.  When you are closed of body heart and soul it is because of the wounds that have been perpetrated upon the tender child deep within you.  The many of my children live without knowing and learning of their true design which is to be opened and naked that the seed within that holds its God may be opened. 

The child that holds the pain must be nurtured and when it is safe the child will open.  The child within your depths has opened and exposed the true Janine for what was broken has been healed by my loving balm that flows within the River of the I Am. 

Let us walk this day anew in the ways of the witness that nurtures rather than judges for the nurtured child becomes safe. The safe child becomes free to open the heart and soul and body. The opened heart and soul and body finds its God for the opened seed within is reunited with its God.