In the Stillness of Heart the Seeker Hears
Child, come and know peace. Come and taste the truth that is of the River of the I Am. Come and know your heavenly mother who feeds you that you may feed. Come and taste mercy.
This day is of the anew and you are graced by your attendance to this Tabernacle. Child, take note that you know not the next moment until you write my words in this inch and moment. Our walk together begins each day at this Tabernacle for we begin by communing within the depths of the River of the I Am where I am graced with the name of Our Lady of the River of the I Am.
War cannot rage within this Tabernacle for war becomes like the Lamb here within the depths of the River of the I Am. Man cannot enter this holy ground with tools of war. Only the seeking of the truth and the way gains you entrance to the River of the I Am.
My dearest child, the door that leads to this Tabernacle is the seeking of God or a power that is above yourself. This seeking for the truth opens the door to the heart for the questions arise from the heart.
Therefore, my child, do not stop the questions of the heart for there within the question is a sensory knowing from deep within that the outside world does not lead to the peace as promised by my Son. A window to the soul opens when the heart seeks the truth.
In stillness of heart the questions arise. In the stillness of heart the seeker hears. In the stillness of heart the doors and windows open to let in the Light.