The Noise Runs to the Rear when the Heart is in the Fore

 Child, come and let go of the noise that clangs all around you. Come and let us commune in the ways of the mystical body of God that is the River of the I Am. Come and fret not any noise for it cannot harm you. With your yes the noise has been exposed for what it is. It is just noise that seeks to take you away from what we have.

The noise clangs with attempts to interrupt what we have. The noise knows your parts and what you call weaknesses and attacks them with noise.  The noise says you are not good enough. The noise uses your weaknesses to tell you there is nothing after this life. The noise attempts to make the small miracles too small to be of God. The noise uses others to attempt to carry you into the depths of despair where hopelessness lives.

The noise has been exposed and it can no longer take you away from this Tabernacle. The noise has been exposed and it has lost its power over you. The noise runs from you when you speak of the ways of the heart for it cannot stand the heart that follows a different course.

When the noise gets loud remember to open the heart all the more where the noise cannot live. When the noise threatens relationship with another, remember to keep the heart open where the noise cannot be.

I give you view of your yesterday where the two we walked with heard your heart and the noise left them. Let us walk today in the knowing that all you need do is open your heart and speak the truths of your heart and the noise runs from you for it cannot bear the ways of the heart. The noise runs to the rear when the heart is in the fore.