Come and Be Armed with Peace and Fortitude

 Child, come and allow me to take you into my heart. You are in need of your mother. Come and allow me to take you where the noise cannot abide. Come and take in my nurture that fills you with the love that counters all noise and all evil.

Today finds you in need of my nurture.  Slow all down and take in the restful and effortless flow of the River of the I Am that holds us in the communion of mother and child.

Janine, it takes but this inch and moment to release you from the noise.  Rest in the glory of God's River where there is no need to work. All need be done is to let go of all that all may be given you.

How silly are the many who seek not the comfort of the promises of Jesus who gives us His peace. Peace is the fodder that grows you. Peace is the sign post that you are walking with me and all of the River of the I Am. Peace is the fruit of our communion.

There now, my child, you are peaceful again. Your sleep was restless for the noise was loud. It may seem as though the noise owns you. But it does not, my child, for you have the way to find respite and renewal. 

In this inch and moment you are being prepared to re-enter the world with me. You are armed with the renewal and fortitude and peace to begin again in this new day. 

You rest with the sleep in your night and you rest and are renewed of soul when you enter this Tabernacle. I taste your peace and I see your smile that is within your loins for we have what we have on each new day and in all we do within the world.