You Shall know the Noise by Its Fruit

 Child of mine, come and rest knowing I take you into my heart that flows within the River of the I Am. Rest in the knowing that we commune here in the effortlessness of God's love. Rest in the knowing that you are witness to the Eternal Garden of our Father and Creator. Rest in the knowing that love and only love is the fodder that grows you in the ways of the Kingdom.

The Kingdom does not exist in the outside world for the outside world contains the noise that counters the Kingdom. The noise gathers unto itself with the lies and misguidedness since the time of Adam and Eve.

Do not take any grand news from the noise that attempts to cast itself as holy.  Keep your eyes on The River of the I Am and my heart and Jesus for these are the only sources of the truth. Only the River which flows in God's will and love can gain you the truth for the River holds the Light of God and the Light of His Son.  

Now that you taste the Light and the Garden within the River of the I Am the noise cats itself as holy that it may confuse you. The noise asks you to judge another in the name of holiness. I say to you in a loud and clear voice that any form of judgment is not of God for only God sees into a man's soul. You shall know the noise by its fruit.