The Opened Soul Sees all Choices

 Child, come and taste the freedom to be naked and opened in all parts. Come and commune with me for I am your mother who loves you, holds you, nurtures you and judges you never. I am your mother by the design of our Father and Creator. 

Take note of the way of your heart that now operates in accordance with your soul. Perfection is not possible, my child, but to seek to operate in accordance with your soul is to seek out God for God and soul are connected.  The soul is of God's seed. 

You are learning that to be opened to your soul is to know God works through this nakedness where you are not hiding any parts. On this new day, take in this depth where we move beyond the noise and where your soul is freed to be.  Again, my child, it is not perfection, but it is a knowing and communion with the One who Created you. 

To be at such a depth is to taste God who loves you with no judgments and no expectations other than to open to your soul where all your choices lie before you. There are no hidden parts to deny you any choices and there is no noise to counter the truths of God.

Your choices are placed before you. Your choices are all of God's gifts to you for He wishes you to be opened in all parts that your choices may be true. When you are at this depth the shaping and learning are falling away where you see the truths of God with no bindings from your old learning.