From Dust to Ashes to Life

 Janine, my child, come and rest within my heart that draws you close as we flow deeper into the River of the I Am. The view upon your awakening has shown you that you were made from the dust of God where your seed was placed within you.

The view also showed you that you lived a life that was filled with your story of becoming of your design as God has intended. The view showed you the ways of what the world calls death and where you become of the ashes of the earth. 

But, my child, the view ended not there. You witnessed to the knowing that from the ashes you shall rise and become of forever where life begins anew. Your earthly life becomes not of ashes, but rather, becomes the rising of your new life. You are being taught not to fear the end of this life, but rather, to seek to live this life to the fullest until it is time to move on to God's promise of everlasting life.

The view of this knowing took but an instant.  In that instant you were filled with the taste of Jesus who showed you from dust you came and dust you shall return. You came from God and you shall return to God and be raised to life everlasting.Let us walk into this day in the knowing that you shall never die. You shall move from one form to another. You shall see my face and see our God and Father. You shall see Jesus, our Savior.  You shall see all that have gone before you who are part of the song of songs.