The Noise Chases You at Your Weakest Points
Child, come and be known for I awaken you to all that is here for you within this Tabernacle. Come and empty yourself that I may fill you with the ways of the River of the I Am. Let go of yourself that I may free you from the boundaries that bind you.
My dear child, do not fret and take heart for I am your mother who holds you, feeds you and renews you. The noise is loudest upon awakening and it causes you fret for it clangs at you at your weakest parts. Each day your heart awakens to me all the while the noise clangs at you at your weakest points. The noise knows you and our weakest points.
You must be prepared to give the noise no attention or time upon awakening. Rather, it is wiser to allow the noise to pass through you with no attention to it. You are learning to give the noise no attention within our walk and now you must give it no attention upon your awakening.
When fear grasps at you as you awaken, rather than give it attention, call on me and there I will be.
Janine, my child, I cannot end the noise for you but I can come to you, hold you and show you the way to let the noise pass through you. In time the noise will lose its way for it needs your attention to give it power. The noise grows and gains power over you when you give it attention.
Come and be still and be filled with the power of the River of the I Am that shall gain you the fortitude and power to love and only love. In love and only love you shed the noise in the inch and moment. I remind you that the noise has been relegated to your awakening for it can gain no power over you in your day. Ponder this lesson for the noise works to gain power over you at your weakest point. The noise chases you at your weakest points.