Rise Up

 Child, rise up and be known. Rise up and attend to your soul. Rise up and let us move into the depths of the River of the I Am where we commune and where you are prepared to move into the world with me.

Rise up and taste goodness. Rise up and live, love and be kind to all that we meet this new day.

Rise up and do not allow the noise to take you down. Rise up and do not allow others to destroy what we have.

Rise up and do not allow the news of the day to deter you from our walk to gather those who seek the peace of my Son. Rise up and witness to the news of the day but do not allow it to own you for only God's love within the River of the I Am can move the dangers of the news of the day from hopelessness to hopefulness. Rise up and know you carry the sword of love that counters all war.

Rise up and know you are mine. Rise up and know you are of God. Rise up and walk with me with the power of the River of the I Am where Jesus is the sword that shall conquer all. Love is not war, my child.   Love is stronger and more powerful than war. One day you shall see the Son of Man who shall end war with love.