"Take My Yoke Upon You"

 Child, I am pleased that you come to me. Let go and place yourself before this Tabernacle that you may be prepared to enter this holy space. Come and with your yes to me join me in communion. Come and take the breath and leap into the nothingness that allows me to take you up into my heart where all is lost and all is gained.

To give up yourself requires the yes to me and to Jesus and to the River of the I Am. To give up yourself requires the awareness that, rather than lose yourself, you gain more of yourself when you let go. 

Your joy, peace, faith and trust are gifts of this awareness for to truly accept the gifts of the Covenant requires the understanding that there are parts that must become naked and emptied that the whole may see the light of day.

The Kingdom requires only the letting go into the arms of Jesus.  There are the many who know Him not for they do not seek relationship with Him. In your review with Jesus you saw Him as he picked you up and helped you to traverse the 'great hill"  You were left behind by others and the gentle soul picked you up, held you up and walked you up the 'great hill" 

The journey seemed futile alone and you were forced to walk with your head down and scratching on the ground. It was Jesus who helped you to hold your head high and face the "great hill."

Janine, my child, it is Jesus who shows you the way. When you walk without relationship with Jesus you walk lowly. When you walk with Him in relationship you walk in effortlessness with your head held high for Jesus is strong and powerful and shall see you through all things. The "great hill" was not meant to have effort for it is beautiful and mysterious and joyful when you let Jesus hold you up. It is fearful and treacherous when you walk it alone. It is treacherous when you depend on others to carry you for only the strong and powerful Jesus can make it effortless. 

This is the meaning of Jesus' words, "take my yoke upon you, for I am gentle and humble in heart, and you will find rest for your soul for my yoke is easy and my burden is light." Jesus has brought the Scripture to light for you.