God Cherishes Each of His Creations
Janine, I ask you only to come to me and attend to your own soul. I take you into my heart that your soul may remain in the opened position where we commune within the River of the I Am. We commune as one with all of the yes. God has made His Covenant with Man and as such all are of one cloth for all have the seed of God within them.
The Covenant has been sealed by the yes of my Son to be the Son of Man. God's only Son has taken on the sins of all that we may all have the clear choice to choose Him or not choose Him in the next life.
The Covenant between God and man shall never be broken and can always be counted on for God sent His only Son to redeem all of His children. Not one child shall be discounted. If God, our Father can make such a covenant that all men are of equal and great value than we as human beings must come to see each other as brother and sister in God's eyes.
Ponder this lesson, Janine, for God does not make any child above another nor below another. God cherishes each of His Creations.