The Dilemma

 My dear child, slow all down as you enter this Tabernacle. Come and let go of the need to do and just be with me. Soon enough we shall enter the world to give what you have received. Come and take in all that is here for you. Come and take in my nurture that shall sustain you this new day.

Your dream showed you the dilemma you are facing in your daily life. On the one hand you walk with me to "feed" those we walk with and you are learning that they do in fact take your nurture. In a quiet way you are learning that there are those who see you as mother. You know we nurture but you carry fear that it is not enough. You searched for a way to feed those who are not ready to be fed. 

This is why we walk, Janine.  There are those we walk with that need their mother. Do not shy away from this walk for it is of great grace that my nurture flows through you.  

The dilemma is one where you cannot know who is ready to be fed and who is not. To see the fruit you must first feed the seed that it may grow into fruit. We cannot know the fruit of our walk until the seed of the soul is nurtured and grows its fruit.