We Are Graced to be Mother and Child

 Child, come and let go of  yourself that we may enter into the depths of the River of the I Am where we commune in the ways of God's plan for us. You are a child of God as all children are.

I am neither above nor below you. You are loved as I am loved. Your design is to be of love and only love as my design is to be of love and only love.

I am graced to be the mother of the Son of Man. You are graced to be my child. Life need be no more complicated than love and only love. When we commune here within these depths you see love and only love. There are no judgments and no boundaries to bind or hide from the truth.

Jesus came to be of love and only love to show how graced we all are to be given life. God became man in the name of Jesus that we may all see and taste His love while within the body.

Janine, you are loved greatly and you are designed to be of love and only love. When you shed your body you shall see God's love sans the noise. 

Come and let us walk this new day in love and only love. The noise loses its power in love and only love.