As We Give We Receive

 Child, come and be mine. Come and place yourself here before me that I may take you into the depths of the River of the I Am where we commune with our Father and Creator. We commune with Jesus, our Savior and guide as well as all of the yes.

The River of the I Am is for all. The River of the I Am is the power that moves us towards the New Earth.

Come, Janine, and let us make this day holy. Come and let us walk in the ways of love and only love. Come, and know that as we give, we receive for to give with an open and loving heart is to receive the grace to come to know God all the more and more.

To love with no boundaries or exceptions is to see Jesus as He truly is. To love with no regard as to return is to receive the body and blood of Jesus, our Savior. As we give we receive.

To give with no holdings is to love as Jesus loves. To hear with no ownership is to love as Jesus loves. Come and ponder the gifts of giving and receiving.