The Noise Has Been Wounded

 Child of mine. Come and awaken to me at this Tabernacle. I come and awaken you to our communion that is of God for it is by God's hand that we have this Tabernacle. Come and know the peace that is of Jesus.

Your dream came to show you the ways of those parts that must be seen. There is the one part who is refusing to take on another's noise. There is another part that must flee from the noise of the world. All parts came to show you the ways of the noise that you are refusing to do business with.

It is a difficult task to run from the noise alone. You are not alone, Janine. You are always with Jesus even in your dreams.

You were shown your fortitude and commitment to Jesus that requires fortitude for the noise is loudest when it fears being lost to the peace of Jesus. Even in your peace the noise was clanging. 

Janine, I make it simple for you. The noise in your dream was addressed directly. You told the noise that no one can control your choices. You told the noise that it must take leave for it was attempting to tempt you with its rationalizations. You were able to see that the temptations were of the noise and you spoke with awareness to it that it has no place in your life.

The noise left wounded. The noise left with an understanding that no child can take away your rights to yourself. Ponder your dream for it has given you the awareness that the noise is embedded within others and must be taken into account.  The dream showed you that you must always tell the truth even to the noise within others.