The Truth of the Physical and Mystical

 Child, I welcome you here at this Tabernacle.  I welcome you here within the River of the I Am. Come and be awakened on this new day of Our Lord, Jesus. Come and know how much you are loved.

On this new day you have awakened to our prayers together as we pray for all of my children that they may come to have what we have. To open to God is to open to what truly is deep within your loins.

Your body is the vessel by which you find God. Your heart and soul are eternal but have grounding in the body for the body is what traverses the outside world.

How silly are some of my children for they see not eternal, but rather, see only their body that shall leave the heart and soul behind one day.

To see God is to know the truth that you are eternal. To see God is to know the beauty of the all of you which is the physical and mystical for you are both. 

The truth shall set you free. The truth is the knowing that deep within you is where God resides. Your soul is but a tiny part of your physical body but carries a big truth and knowing. Your soul is small within the physical but is very large in the mystical for it carries God's love and power.

The many must come to see what you see and that is you are eternal and your soul shall one day be freed from the body where it shall loom very large. Allow your mystical body to be naked and opened with the physical body today, and always, Janine, for they are both of the truth. The body alone cannot know what the physical and mystical together know.