Only God can see the "Whole Story"

 Janine, my child, I am with you. I am pleased that you attend to this Tabernacle. I love you in all parts. I love you for who you are and how you are growing. Growing never ends when you are of the yes.

 I am pleased that your heart is joyful. I show you the beauty of God's love within the world.

 There are those who wish to take away your peace for there are those who wish you to join them in anger and hatefulness. Do not purchase such calls for they rise from the noise that carries the misguidedness of God's love.

Take in the view here within this Tabernacle. Take in all who pass by. How can you judge the heart of another when you see only the clothing? How can you judge the heart of another when you see only the face of pain and fear and the resulting anger that covers pain and fear?

You cannot see through to the soul until another shares it with you. Even then, only God can see the whole story of pain and misguidedness noise that has held the soul hostage.

Let this truth and awareness take hold deep within you for there are the many at the table of Jesus that men judged as not worthy.