The Right Proportions of Self Love and Love of Others

 Child, come and be with me here at this Tabernacle. Come and let go of yourself. Come and know your dreams are making you whole all the more and more. Come and be filled with my love that flows here within the depths of the River of the I Am. Come and be of peace for your dreams carry love and not anger.

Though your dreams appear to be painful from the surface of the River of the I Am, know that they are making you whole for your dreams have a deeper meaning than on the surface.

In the dream you are telling one part that you are loving and want to be loving with aid and time towards others and at the same time there is an equal part telling of the need for care of your own self and being and body. Janine, this is the way of your days with me and Jesus. 

We walk to give to others what you have received. We also walk to be sure that you are filled with love for yourself. Love must flow both ways to be of God's love and only love.

Today, Janine, is a day for us to walk as one in love and only love. Your dream is being written into the Book of Life. Today, we shall walk in love for yourself that flows into others and becomes love of others.

Fear not your dream for the sadness and anger of the parts within the dream were necessary to be able to show your deep parts that self love becomes love for others when they are in the right proportions. You cannot be of God's will without the right proportions of self love and love of others.