Do Not Cover Over the Smile of Peace

 Janine, my child, come and trust. Come and give over yourself to me and to the River of the I Am. Come and let go for all is noise around you. Come and allow me to take you into the River of the I Am.

Be of my heart that fills you with patience and fortitude that you may walk with me knowing that you are never alone. Come and let us commune where the noise cannot be. The noise is loudest upon your awakening but it cannot take hold. The noise clangs its silliness. Pay no heed as we move into the depths of the River of the I Am where you find respite. 

Hear my words that are of love and only love. Taste my nurture that fills you with the Light within the River of the I Am. Hear the soft voice of Jesus that halts all but peace for you are graced to have His peace. As we move deeper into the River of the I Am, hear Jesus and take in the flow of His love through us as we commune.

 I cannot take away the noise within the outside world. But it is halted here within the River. By the River of the I Am you are filled and protected. It may appear that the noise can take you, my child, but it is only noise and it cannot harm you for you have the protective cloak of my heart and Jesus and the River of the I Am. God has given us much to combat the noise. 

Take a moment with me and I show you the clang of the noise around us. Smile with me and give the noise your smile for its silliness. Take note how the noise flees when it cannot enter. The noise cannot bear the peace deep within you. Do not cover over the smile of Peace.

Ponder this lesson today.  As we move into the world, I shall remind you to smile at the noise where it flees for it cannot cause angst within your smile.